Our Meetings
The monthly meetings are held at 9:30 a.m. on the 4th Saturday of the month, except the November and December meeting which is held on the 3rd Saturday.
The Nature Photo Club consists of approximately 40 Members. Guests are welcome at our monthly meetings which typically have 30 members/guests in attendance. Meetings consist of a brief review of club business followed by refreshments and snacks and then the feature program for the month.
Members are encouraged to share their images at meetings in addition to displaying photos on the club bulletin board on the 2nd floor of The Wilderness Center.
The Nature Photo Club consists of approximately 40 Members. Guests are welcome at our monthly meetings which typically have 30 members/guests in attendance. Meetings consist of a brief review of club business followed by refreshments and snacks and then the feature program for the month.
Members are encouraged to share their images at meetings in addition to displaying photos on the club bulletin board on the 2nd floor of The Wilderness Center.