Constitution and By-Laws
ARTICLE I - NAME This organization shall be called The Wilderness Center Nature Photo Club.
ARTICLE II - AIMS The aims of this club shall be to promote and encourage amateur photography of subjects and events in and of nature; through cooperation, effort, and good fellowship; to give challenge to and promote progressive development of the membership in the field of nature photography; to encourage good sportsmanship through comparison and constructive criticism; when called upon, to act as the photographic arm of The Wilderness Center, Inc.
ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Any person interested in photography may become a member of this club providing he/she is a member of The Wilderness Center, Inc.
ARTICLE IV - DUES AND FINANCE The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 3I. There shall be no initiation fee, but annual dues shall be due and payable to the treasurer on January 1 of each year. Annual dues shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority vote of the membership. Dues shall be subjected to periodic review by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Meetings shall be held on the fourth Saturday of each month throughout the year. Meetings can be canceled or rescheduled by the Executive Committee or by mutual agreement of the membership. Meetings shall be held at The Wilderness Center, Inc.
ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS The officers shall be: President; Vice-president; Secretary; Treasurer.
The President: shall preside at all regular, special and executive meetings; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; shall appoint chairpersons of all committees with the advice and consent of the other members of the Executive Committee; shall work closely with all committees; shall work for the best interest of the club at all times.
The Vice-President: shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President upon the President’s request; shall act in the President’s behalf in all matters concerning that office in the President’s absence; shall assist the President as needed and as stated in the Constitution and By-laws; shall be chairman of the Program Committee.
The Secretary: shall keep minutes of all meetings; shall keep a roster of the club’s members; shall handle all correspondence pertaining to the club unless otherwise delegated by the President; shall have minutes available for reading at the regular meetings; shall appoint a substitute to assume secretarial duties when absent.
The Treasurer: shall have custody of club funds and dues; collect dues and issue receipts for same; shall discharge club expenses on recommendation of the Executive Committee and maintain records of same; shall report to the club on finances at each meeting; shall open the books for audit at the end of each fiscal year.
ARTICLE VIII - ELECTIONS As provided for in Article VI of this Constitution, officers shall be elected annually at the October meeting. Nominations only by members in good standing shall be received from the floor. Terms of officers shall be one year, however officers may be reelected by the membership. Officers are automatically installed at the close of business in the November meeting following the October election.
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the four officers.
Program Committee: The Vice-president shall be the chairman of the Program Committee. The remainder of the committee membership shall be at the discretion of the Vice-president with the advice of the Executive Committee. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning and conducting the regular monthly meetings and coordinating inter-club contest arrangements.
Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of three members: President, Vice- president, and one other member who is not an officer. This committee shall: be responsible in general for all membership; welcome all guests; inform prospective members concerning the club, its Constitution and By-laws; decide if a candidate can become a member; act to terminate a member in cases of constitution and/or by-laws violations.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee will be appointed by the president at the August meeting. It shall consist of three members in good standing and non-officers at the time of appointment to the committee; it shall present to the membership a slate of candidates at the October meeting for election to office.
ARTICLE X - CHARTER MEMBERS Charter members shall be those members who organized The Wilderness Center Nature Photo Club at the time of adoption of the Constitution and By-laws.
1. Proposed amendments can be made by any member in good standing at any regular meeting.
2. If approved by a vote of a simple majority of members present, the President shall appoint an ad hoc committee of three members in good standing to study the proposal(s).
3.The committee shall prepare the amendment(s) for presentation to the membership at two consecutive regular meetings.
4. At the second meeting a final vote shall be taken on the amendment(s).
5. A two-thirds majority vote of members present shall be required for approval of the amendment(s)
Initially adopted: October 1978: Revised: May 1982 and September 1995
ARTICLE II - AIMS The aims of this club shall be to promote and encourage amateur photography of subjects and events in and of nature; through cooperation, effort, and good fellowship; to give challenge to and promote progressive development of the membership in the field of nature photography; to encourage good sportsmanship through comparison and constructive criticism; when called upon, to act as the photographic arm of The Wilderness Center, Inc.
ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP Any person interested in photography may become a member of this club providing he/she is a member of The Wilderness Center, Inc.
ARTICLE IV - DUES AND FINANCE The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 3I. There shall be no initiation fee, but annual dues shall be due and payable to the treasurer on January 1 of each year. Annual dues shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority vote of the membership. Dues shall be subjected to periodic review by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE V - MEETINGS Meetings shall be held on the fourth Saturday of each month throughout the year. Meetings can be canceled or rescheduled by the Executive Committee or by mutual agreement of the membership. Meetings shall be held at The Wilderness Center, Inc.
ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS The officers shall be: President; Vice-president; Secretary; Treasurer.
The President: shall preside at all regular, special and executive meetings; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees; shall appoint chairpersons of all committees with the advice and consent of the other members of the Executive Committee; shall work closely with all committees; shall work for the best interest of the club at all times.
The Vice-President: shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President upon the President’s request; shall act in the President’s behalf in all matters concerning that office in the President’s absence; shall assist the President as needed and as stated in the Constitution and By-laws; shall be chairman of the Program Committee.
The Secretary: shall keep minutes of all meetings; shall keep a roster of the club’s members; shall handle all correspondence pertaining to the club unless otherwise delegated by the President; shall have minutes available for reading at the regular meetings; shall appoint a substitute to assume secretarial duties when absent.
The Treasurer: shall have custody of club funds and dues; collect dues and issue receipts for same; shall discharge club expenses on recommendation of the Executive Committee and maintain records of same; shall report to the club on finances at each meeting; shall open the books for audit at the end of each fiscal year.
ARTICLE VIII - ELECTIONS As provided for in Article VI of this Constitution, officers shall be elected annually at the October meeting. Nominations only by members in good standing shall be received from the floor. Terms of officers shall be one year, however officers may be reelected by the membership. Officers are automatically installed at the close of business in the November meeting following the October election.
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the four officers.
Program Committee: The Vice-president shall be the chairman of the Program Committee. The remainder of the committee membership shall be at the discretion of the Vice-president with the advice of the Executive Committee. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning and conducting the regular monthly meetings and coordinating inter-club contest arrangements.
Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of three members: President, Vice- president, and one other member who is not an officer. This committee shall: be responsible in general for all membership; welcome all guests; inform prospective members concerning the club, its Constitution and By-laws; decide if a candidate can become a member; act to terminate a member in cases of constitution and/or by-laws violations.
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee will be appointed by the president at the August meeting. It shall consist of three members in good standing and non-officers at the time of appointment to the committee; it shall present to the membership a slate of candidates at the October meeting for election to office.
ARTICLE X - CHARTER MEMBERS Charter members shall be those members who organized The Wilderness Center Nature Photo Club at the time of adoption of the Constitution and By-laws.
1. Proposed amendments can be made by any member in good standing at any regular meeting.
2. If approved by a vote of a simple majority of members present, the President shall appoint an ad hoc committee of three members in good standing to study the proposal(s).
3.The committee shall prepare the amendment(s) for presentation to the membership at two consecutive regular meetings.
4. At the second meeting a final vote shall be taken on the amendment(s).
5. A two-thirds majority vote of members present shall be required for approval of the amendment(s)
Initially adopted: October 1978: Revised: May 1982 and September 1995