2014 Program Schedule
January 25
Presenter: Kolman Rosenberg
Topic: The Exposure Triangle: Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO
Our January meeting will feature Kolman Rosenberg, an instructor at the Cleveland Photographic Society, Fundamentals of Good Photography School. His subject will be “ The Exposure Triangle: Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO. Be ready to ask the expert your questions about photography
Shooting Topic: Frost, Snow, and Ice Patterns
Refreshments: Connie Rubin
February 22
Presenter: John Earl Brown
Topic: Composition
John Earl Brown has been in photography for many years since studying photography at Ohio University. He is member of the Cleveland Photographic Society and is very active in entering competitions and displaying his work. John Earl also teaches at the Cleveland Photographic Society School of Photography.
Shooting Topic: Winter Landscape
Refreshments: Cathy Fenstermaker
March 22
Presenter: Russel & Karen McQuate
Topic: Matting and Framing......Oh My!
Russel and Karen are members of the Wooster Camera Club and are experienced in matting and framing their own photos. Karen, in addition to being a camera club member, is a member of the Watercolor Guild of the Wayne Center For The Arts. The guild maintains rotating displays in and around Wooster. Russel is a past President of the Wooster Camera Club and currently coordinates the club’s exhibits. Both are retired and are enjoying life. Russel says he has no outstanding credentials but just enjoy the hobby.
Shooting Topic: Signs of Spring!
Refreshments: Beth Patrick
April 5 (Saturday)
Foto Fest Take-in
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Where: TWC Multipurpose Room
April 11 (Friday)
Foto Fest Set-up
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 12
Foto Fest (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 13 (Sunday)
Foto Fest
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 15 (Tuesday)
Foto Fest Teardown
Time: 9:00 AM – ?
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
May 3: Foto Fest Awards
Time: 9:30 AM
Presenter: Mike Brugger, Foto Fest Chairman
Foto Fest winners will be announced and prizes awarded.
Members Show: A multimedia presentation featuring some of our member's best nature photos.
Refreshment Coordinator: Rita Boyd
June 28
Presenter: Jerry Jelineks
Topic: How to Critique
Jerry is a life long resident of Northern Ohio. He has focused on nature and macro photography centered in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He has won numerous awards in local photography competitions and his work has been used extensively by the national park system in publications andpresentations to the public. Jerry gave a great presentation on macro photography in August of 2012 and we look forward to learning about "How to Critique" to help make us better photographers.
Shooting Topic: Spring Wildflower/s
Refreshments: Linda Stevens
July 26
Presenter: TBA
Topic: Let's Critique
Shooting Topic: Flower Close-up/ Macro
Refreshments: Marla Neiss
August 23
Presenter: Jim Roetzel
Topic: Lighting for Nature Photography
Jim Roetzel is an accomplished nature photographer with many publication credits. He is a recently retired photography teacher at Hudson High School. Jim has also been a studio, portrait and event photographer since the early 1980's.
Light is the essence of photography and this presentation will improve your understanding and skill with light – from available to flash lighting. Learn about tools and techniques applicable to nature lighting that will increase your ability to create images that combine technically sound execution with mood and emotional impact. Jim will talk about:
· Types of light
· How to work with available light
· How to modify available light to create the best image
· Working with flash on-camera – including effective flash and camera settings, and how to modify your flash for best results
Nominating Committee will be appointed
Shooting Topic: Small Creatures
Refreshments: Larry Hackett
Sept. 27
Presenter: This will be a surprise
Topic: Lightroom 5 Basics for Photographers
Lightroom is a program that in which many of us could benefit.
We will be showing a very informative video by Matt Kloskowski.
The following will be discussed:
Where to Put Your Photos
How to Get New Photos Into Lightroom 5
How to Get Existing Photos Into Lightroom 5
Sorting Through
to Find Your Favorite Photos
Organizing Your Favorite Photo
Editing Basics
Selective Editing Tools
Semi-Advanced Editing Tools
Sharing Your Photos Online
Sharing your Photos in Print
Also on the agenda:
Nomination of Officers
Calendar Photos: Entries are due at this meeting. See here for more information.
Shooting Topic: Flower Garden Scene
Refreshments: Wendy Schumacher
October 25
9:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Rich Patrick
Topic: Calendar Photographs: We will be choosing the top 6 photos for each season. We will be using our learned skills from our June and July presentations. All members are invited to submit up to six photos for each season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). There may also be some photos that could be used for more than one season.
Election of Officers
Shooting Topic: Sunrise/Sunset
Refreshments: Volunteer needed!
Nov. 22
Coordinator: Richard Patrick
Topic: Stretch Yourself Assignments
Remember those Shooting Topics you picked in February. Now is the time for each member to present their best photographs. Did you grow in your photo skills?
Shooting Topic: Fall Landscape
Refreshments: Lanny Steckel
December 20
Holiday Party will be held at the Amish Door Restaurant in Wilmot on Saturday, December 20.
When you arrive just tell the hostess that you want to be seated with the TWC Nature Photo Club.
Time: You may want to arrive between 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. to get seated and order your breakfast. We will begin our program at approximately 10:15 a.m.
Breakfast: You may order from the Amish Door Menu or you may order the breakfast buffet
Program: All Member Show
Note: Members are encouraged to bring in photos that won contest or awards, vacation photos, field trip photos, etc. Please limit you presentation to approximately 5 to 8 minutes. Have your presentation/photos in a folder titled with your name and stored on a flash drive. Please present those to me when you come so they can be downloaded to the club computer.
Shooting Topic: We have NO shooting topic this month
January Shooting Topic: January topic will be “Holiday outside” (landscape/nature/displays)
Note: Feel free to bring along your spouse, family members or a friend.
I would really like to get an idea of how many we will have in attendance, therefore I would appreciate a return email to <[email protected]> with your name and how many will be in your party. If you think you might be there, let me know. If you can’t come at the last minute or if you can come at the last minute, PLEASE come without hesitation. I’m just trying to get an idea of attendees so I can let the restaurant know.
Annual Nature Photo Club Membership:
Your Nature Photo Club Membership runs from January through December. We are beginning to collect the 2015 dues. The dues are $5.00 for individual membership and $7.00 for a family membership. If paying by check, please make them out to TWC Nature Photo Club. Just a reminder, your membership with the Wilderness Center must also be up to date.
2015 Nature Photo Club Calendars:
The TWC Nature Photo Club Calendars have arrived and will be distributed to those members who have pre-ordered. The cost is $15.00 each.
There are three additional calendars for sale. If you wish to reserve one, just email me <[email protected]> and I’ll put your name on it.
Presenter: Kolman Rosenberg
Topic: The Exposure Triangle: Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO
Our January meeting will feature Kolman Rosenberg, an instructor at the Cleveland Photographic Society, Fundamentals of Good Photography School. His subject will be “ The Exposure Triangle: Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO. Be ready to ask the expert your questions about photography
Shooting Topic: Frost, Snow, and Ice Patterns
Refreshments: Connie Rubin
February 22
Presenter: John Earl Brown
Topic: Composition
John Earl Brown has been in photography for many years since studying photography at Ohio University. He is member of the Cleveland Photographic Society and is very active in entering competitions and displaying his work. John Earl also teaches at the Cleveland Photographic Society School of Photography.
Shooting Topic: Winter Landscape
Refreshments: Cathy Fenstermaker
March 22
Presenter: Russel & Karen McQuate
Topic: Matting and Framing......Oh My!
Russel and Karen are members of the Wooster Camera Club and are experienced in matting and framing their own photos. Karen, in addition to being a camera club member, is a member of the Watercolor Guild of the Wayne Center For The Arts. The guild maintains rotating displays in and around Wooster. Russel is a past President of the Wooster Camera Club and currently coordinates the club’s exhibits. Both are retired and are enjoying life. Russel says he has no outstanding credentials but just enjoy the hobby.
Shooting Topic: Signs of Spring!
Refreshments: Beth Patrick
April 5 (Saturday)
Foto Fest Take-in
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Where: TWC Multipurpose Room
April 11 (Friday)
Foto Fest Set-up
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 12
Foto Fest (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 13 (Sunday)
Foto Fest
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 15 (Tuesday)
Foto Fest Teardown
Time: 9:00 AM – ?
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
May 3: Foto Fest Awards
Time: 9:30 AM
Presenter: Mike Brugger, Foto Fest Chairman
Foto Fest winners will be announced and prizes awarded.
Members Show: A multimedia presentation featuring some of our member's best nature photos.
Refreshment Coordinator: Rita Boyd
June 28
Presenter: Jerry Jelineks
Topic: How to Critique
Jerry is a life long resident of Northern Ohio. He has focused on nature and macro photography centered in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He has won numerous awards in local photography competitions and his work has been used extensively by the national park system in publications andpresentations to the public. Jerry gave a great presentation on macro photography in August of 2012 and we look forward to learning about "How to Critique" to help make us better photographers.
Shooting Topic: Spring Wildflower/s
Refreshments: Linda Stevens
July 26
Presenter: TBA
Topic: Let's Critique
Shooting Topic: Flower Close-up/ Macro
Refreshments: Marla Neiss
August 23
Presenter: Jim Roetzel
Topic: Lighting for Nature Photography
Jim Roetzel is an accomplished nature photographer with many publication credits. He is a recently retired photography teacher at Hudson High School. Jim has also been a studio, portrait and event photographer since the early 1980's.
Light is the essence of photography and this presentation will improve your understanding and skill with light – from available to flash lighting. Learn about tools and techniques applicable to nature lighting that will increase your ability to create images that combine technically sound execution with mood and emotional impact. Jim will talk about:
· Types of light
· How to work with available light
· How to modify available light to create the best image
· Working with flash on-camera – including effective flash and camera settings, and how to modify your flash for best results
Nominating Committee will be appointed
Shooting Topic: Small Creatures
Refreshments: Larry Hackett
Sept. 27
Presenter: This will be a surprise
Topic: Lightroom 5 Basics for Photographers
Lightroom is a program that in which many of us could benefit.
We will be showing a very informative video by Matt Kloskowski.
The following will be discussed:
Where to Put Your Photos
How to Get New Photos Into Lightroom 5
How to Get Existing Photos Into Lightroom 5
Sorting Through
to Find Your Favorite Photos
Organizing Your Favorite Photo
Editing Basics
Selective Editing Tools
Semi-Advanced Editing Tools
Sharing Your Photos Online
Sharing your Photos in Print
Also on the agenda:
Nomination of Officers
Calendar Photos: Entries are due at this meeting. See here for more information.
Shooting Topic: Flower Garden Scene
Refreshments: Wendy Schumacher
October 25
9:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Rich Patrick
Topic: Calendar Photographs: We will be choosing the top 6 photos for each season. We will be using our learned skills from our June and July presentations. All members are invited to submit up to six photos for each season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall). There may also be some photos that could be used for more than one season.
Election of Officers
Shooting Topic: Sunrise/Sunset
Refreshments: Volunteer needed!
Nov. 22
Coordinator: Richard Patrick
Topic: Stretch Yourself Assignments
Remember those Shooting Topics you picked in February. Now is the time for each member to present their best photographs. Did you grow in your photo skills?
Shooting Topic: Fall Landscape
Refreshments: Lanny Steckel
December 20
Holiday Party will be held at the Amish Door Restaurant in Wilmot on Saturday, December 20.
When you arrive just tell the hostess that you want to be seated with the TWC Nature Photo Club.
Time: You may want to arrive between 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. to get seated and order your breakfast. We will begin our program at approximately 10:15 a.m.
Breakfast: You may order from the Amish Door Menu or you may order the breakfast buffet
Program: All Member Show
Note: Members are encouraged to bring in photos that won contest or awards, vacation photos, field trip photos, etc. Please limit you presentation to approximately 5 to 8 minutes. Have your presentation/photos in a folder titled with your name and stored on a flash drive. Please present those to me when you come so they can be downloaded to the club computer.
Shooting Topic: We have NO shooting topic this month
January Shooting Topic: January topic will be “Holiday outside” (landscape/nature/displays)
Note: Feel free to bring along your spouse, family members or a friend.
I would really like to get an idea of how many we will have in attendance, therefore I would appreciate a return email to <[email protected]> with your name and how many will be in your party. If you think you might be there, let me know. If you can’t come at the last minute or if you can come at the last minute, PLEASE come without hesitation. I’m just trying to get an idea of attendees so I can let the restaurant know.
Annual Nature Photo Club Membership:
Your Nature Photo Club Membership runs from January through December. We are beginning to collect the 2015 dues. The dues are $5.00 for individual membership and $7.00 for a family membership. If paying by check, please make them out to TWC Nature Photo Club. Just a reminder, your membership with the Wilderness Center must also be up to date.
2015 Nature Photo Club Calendars:
The TWC Nature Photo Club Calendars have arrived and will be distributed to those members who have pre-ordered. The cost is $15.00 each.
There are three additional calendars for sale. If you wish to reserve one, just email me <[email protected]> and I’ll put your name on it.