2015 Programs
January 24, 2015
Presenter: Richard Patrick
Program: Basics of Landscape Photography
Note: We will be watching a video by photographer Matt Kloskowski. He will cover the gear you will need, the camera settings you will want to use, and many tips and tricks to get you taking tack sharp photos that are composed for impact. After each section we will have a short question and answer period. So bring your pad and pencil to take a few notes. You might even bring your camera to follow along!
Shooting Topic: Holiday Landscape (These must be outside photos that include holiday displays)
Refreshments: Rich and Beth Patrick
Annual Nature Photo Club Membership:
Your Nature Photo Club Membership runs from January through December. We are beginning to collect the 2015 dues. The dues are $5.00 for individual membership and $7.00 for a family membership. If paying by check, please make them out to TWC Nature Photo Club. Just a reminder, your membership with the Wilderness Center must also be up to date.
February 28, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Topic: Cropping & Resolution in Photoshop and Lightroom
Image cropping and resolution are two of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of a digital imaging workflow. We will be watching a great video that explains the principles you need to understand when cropping, resizing, and preparing your images for output so that you can maintain the highest image quality possible for any job that comes your way. This information will really benefit everybody as we prepare our images for TWCNPC Fotofest, prepare our monthly shooting topics, send emails with photos, make photo books, plus many other photo output scenarios.
Added Bonus: We will also be watching two presentations that we were not able to show at our December Holiday Party. Rita Boyd and Sandy Adams have prepared two great multi media presentations that I'm positive everybody will truly enjoy.
Shooting Topic: Ice
Refreshments: Larry Hackett
March 28, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Kolman Rosenberg
Kolman Rosenberg is a freelance editorial, documentary and fine art photographer who resides and works in Mentor, OH. He has exhibited and won many awards for his photography and has had his work published in a number of books, magazines and TV. The TV work, for ESPN, earned him an Emmy Award nomination. Kolman also teaches digital photography and Photoshop classes at Cuyahoga Community College, and at the Cleveland Photographic Society where he previously served as the Director of their Fundamentals of Good Photography School.
More of Kolman’s images can be seen on his website, www.kolmanphotos.com . He also publishes a regular blog at, www.photographyunposed.wordpress.com .
Topic Covered: Tips for using Layers in Photoshop. Photoshop Elements can also be used.
He will be covering the following as time permits.
Shooting Topic: Shadows and Silhouettes
Refreshments: Claudia Duerr
April 11 (Saturday)
Foto Fest Take-in
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Multipurpose Room
April 17 (Friday)
Foto Fest Set-up
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 18, 2015 (Saturday)
Foto Fest
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 19,2015 (Sunday)
Foto Fest
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 21 (Tuesday)
Foto Fest Teardown
Time: 9:00 AM – ?
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
May 2, 2015: Foto Fest Awards
Time: 9:30 AM
Presenter: Terry and Lora Davis, Foto Fest Co-Chairs
Foto Fest winners will be announced and prizes awarded.
Members Show: A multimedia presentation featuring some of our member's best nature photos.
Refreshment Coordinator:
June 27, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Tim Cooper (by video with his permission)
Tim has been involved with the Rocky Mountain School of Photography since 1993. He has taught workshops, classes, seminars, as well as held the positions of Consultant, Director of Education, Director of the Black and White Program and Director of Digital Imaging. Tim currently teaches various workshops, classes and seminars for the school in addition to writing and consulting on both photographic and digital technologies.
Topic: Creating Realistic HDR Images
How many times have you taken a photograph where parts of the photo were nicely exposed but maybe the sky was blown out or maybe there was no detail in the shadows giving us a very dull or maybe a not so pretty photo. This is not about creating the cartoonish or unrealistic photographs that we so often see with unrealistic colors. This presentation is about how to capture the full dynamic contrast of the scene and creating a realistic HDR image. Creating a realistic HDR image with multiple exposures depends on your ability to analyze a scene and translate your impressions into a photograph. Tim will show us a simple process that we can all do to give us the tools to create great realistic photographs when needed. He will talk about bracketing, ISO, using the tripod for perfect alignment and then showing us how to prepare and process your images in Lightroom, Photoshop and Photomatix.
Shooting Topic: Birds
Refreshments: Lanny Steckel
July 25, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Jerry Jelineks
Jerry is a life long resident of Northeast Ohio. Over the years, he has focused on nature and macro photography centered in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He has won numerous awards in local photography competitions and his work has been used extensively by the national park system in publications and presentations to the public. Jerry is a regular at TWCNPC as he presented here in 2012 giving a presentation on macro photography and again last year when he gave a presentation on "How to Critique".
Topic: How to Take and Produce Nature Videos
Jerry will be showing us several of his outstanding nature videos that he has created over the past couple of years. He also will be explaining his philosophy of still image making verses making videos. Other topics will include the different gear needed for video field techniques, some post processing ideas, and of course sharing his tips on how he captures and produces his beautiful multimedia nature videos.
Shooting Topic: Realistic HDR Landscape
Refreshments: Marla Neiss
August 22, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Eileen Rafferty
Eileen Rafferty is an artist who combines her lifelong study of photography with digital technology to create mixed media and video installations. Eileen worked as a freelance photographer, educator and digital technician in the Washington, D.C. area. She was also a custom darkroom printer for clients including National Geographic, The Kennedy Center and a previous White House administration. She received her MFA in photography and film from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Eileen currently teaches classes at Rocky Mountain School of Photography.
Topic: Seeing In Black and White
We will be viewing a workshop she presented titled "Seeing In Black and White". It is very informative and will help us think differently about how we see. We will then have a time to discuss the video.
Other Business: Nominating Committee will be appointed
Shooting Topic: Summer Wildflowers
Refreshments: Larry Hackett
Sept. 26, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Program: TWCNPC Calendar
Topic: Calendar Photographs: We will be choosing the top 6 photos for each season.
Please follow these guidelines when preparing your entries.
1) Each member may submit up to 6 photos for each season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
You may have some photos that will fit more than one category.
2) These must be in a landscape layout.
3) The photos can be in a 6x4 or a 4x5 format.
4) The image file (jpg) must be large enough to print an 8x10 or equivalent size photo and should be at least 240 dpi.
I would think the file size should be at least 2 or 3 megabytes (MB).
If you see the size of the file is measured as kilobytes (ex: 800 kbs),
it is probably too small to print a quality calendar size photo.
5) Please place your entries in 4 folders labeled Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Place these four folders into another folder titled: “Your Name”/Calendar
Place this folder onto a flash drive.
Note: I hope to have the TWCNPC Calendar available by the November meeting,
therefore we will be taking orders at this meeting.
The price of the TWCNPC Calendar is $15.00.
Also on the agenda: Nomination of Officers
Shooting Topic: Black and White
Refreshments: Wendy Schumacher
October 24, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Jane Heater
Jane, a former member of TWCNPC, is a graduate of the Rocky Mountain School of Photography and now runs her own photography business called Glory Reflections Photography. Her images have hung at the Ordover Gallery in the San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego CA, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins CO, and The Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography, Canton OH.
Ms. Heater's photos have received many awards including the following: Semifinalist in Nature’s Best Magazine’s Windland Smith Rice International Awards; Semifinalist in Nature’s Best Magazine’s Best Backyards. Her photographs have appeared in COLOR, and Black & White magazines, also in Rangefinder magazine (3rd place in Black & White contest).
Topic: Macro Photography
Jane's images are composed so that part of the landscape is isolated from the rest of the scene. These details and graphic qualities (color, shape, line, texture) show the often hidden beauty in nature that capture her attention. These images are created by using various shutter speeds, aperture settings, in camera techniques, i.e., panning, and narrow depth of field, and numerous lens, from super-macro to telephoto. Ms. Heater will be showing her photographs and will be giving instructions and sharing her tips on how she captures these inspiring photographs.
Election of Officers
Shooting Topic: Macro
Nov. 21, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Coordinator: Richard Patrick
Topic: Stretch Yourself Assignments
Remember those Shooting Topics you picked in February? Now is the time for each member to present his/her best photographs. Did you grow in your photo skills?
Shooting Topic: Fall Color
Refreshments: Lora Davis
December 19, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Holiday Party will be held at the Amish Door Restaurant in Wilmot on Saturday, December 19.
When you arrive just tell the hostess that you want to be seated with the TWC Nature Photo Club.
Time: You may want to arrive between 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. to get seated and order your breakfast. We will begin our program at approximately 10:15 a.m.
Breakfast: You may order from the Amish Door Menu or you may order the breakfast buffet.
Program: All Member Show
Note: Members are encouraged to bring in photos that have won contest or awards, vacation photos, field trip photos, etc. Please limit you presentation to approximately 5 to 8 minutes. Have your presentation/photos in a folder titled with your name and stored on a flash drive. Please present those to me when you come so they can be downloaded to the club computer.
Shooting Topic: No shooting topic
Note: Feel free to bring along your spouse, family members or a friend.
I would really like to get an idea of how many we will have in attendance, therefore I would appreciate a return email to <[email protected]> with your name and how many will be in your party. If you think you might be there, let me know. If you can’t come at the last minute or if you can come at the last minute, PLEASE come without hesitation. I’m just trying to get an idea of attendees so I can let the restaurant know.
Annual Nature Photo Club Membership:
Your Nature Photo Club Membership runs from January through December. We are beginning to collect the 2016 dues. The dues are $5.00 for individual membership and $7.00 for a family membership. If paying by check, please make them out to TWC Nature Photo Club. Just a reminder, your membership with the Wilderness Center must also be up to date.
2016 Nature Photo Club Calendars:
The TWC Nature Photo Club Calendars have arrived and will be distributed to those members who have pre-ordered. The cost is $15.00 each.
Presenter: Richard Patrick
Program: Basics of Landscape Photography
Note: We will be watching a video by photographer Matt Kloskowski. He will cover the gear you will need, the camera settings you will want to use, and many tips and tricks to get you taking tack sharp photos that are composed for impact. After each section we will have a short question and answer period. So bring your pad and pencil to take a few notes. You might even bring your camera to follow along!
Shooting Topic: Holiday Landscape (These must be outside photos that include holiday displays)
Refreshments: Rich and Beth Patrick
Annual Nature Photo Club Membership:
Your Nature Photo Club Membership runs from January through December. We are beginning to collect the 2015 dues. The dues are $5.00 for individual membership and $7.00 for a family membership. If paying by check, please make them out to TWC Nature Photo Club. Just a reminder, your membership with the Wilderness Center must also be up to date.
February 28, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Topic: Cropping & Resolution in Photoshop and Lightroom
Image cropping and resolution are two of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of a digital imaging workflow. We will be watching a great video that explains the principles you need to understand when cropping, resizing, and preparing your images for output so that you can maintain the highest image quality possible for any job that comes your way. This information will really benefit everybody as we prepare our images for TWCNPC Fotofest, prepare our monthly shooting topics, send emails with photos, make photo books, plus many other photo output scenarios.
Added Bonus: We will also be watching two presentations that we were not able to show at our December Holiday Party. Rita Boyd and Sandy Adams have prepared two great multi media presentations that I'm positive everybody will truly enjoy.
Shooting Topic: Ice
Refreshments: Larry Hackett
March 28, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Kolman Rosenberg
Kolman Rosenberg is a freelance editorial, documentary and fine art photographer who resides and works in Mentor, OH. He has exhibited and won many awards for his photography and has had his work published in a number of books, magazines and TV. The TV work, for ESPN, earned him an Emmy Award nomination. Kolman also teaches digital photography and Photoshop classes at Cuyahoga Community College, and at the Cleveland Photographic Society where he previously served as the Director of their Fundamentals of Good Photography School.
More of Kolman’s images can be seen on his website, www.kolmanphotos.com . He also publishes a regular blog at, www.photographyunposed.wordpress.com .
Topic Covered: Tips for using Layers in Photoshop. Photoshop Elements can also be used.
He will be covering the following as time permits.
- A basic description of Layers
- Different types of Layers
- Adjustment Layers
- Layers for adding or deleting from a photo
- Building a photo composite using Layers
- Adding Textures to a photo using Layers
- Using Layer Masks
Shooting Topic: Shadows and Silhouettes
Refreshments: Claudia Duerr
April 11 (Saturday)
Foto Fest Take-in
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Multipurpose Room
April 17 (Friday)
Foto Fest Set-up
Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 18, 2015 (Saturday)
Foto Fest
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 19,2015 (Sunday)
Foto Fest
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
April 21 (Tuesday)
Foto Fest Teardown
Time: 9:00 AM – ?
Where: TWC Trillium and Cardinal Rooms
May 2, 2015: Foto Fest Awards
Time: 9:30 AM
Presenter: Terry and Lora Davis, Foto Fest Co-Chairs
Foto Fest winners will be announced and prizes awarded.
Members Show: A multimedia presentation featuring some of our member's best nature photos.
Refreshment Coordinator:
June 27, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Tim Cooper (by video with his permission)
Tim has been involved with the Rocky Mountain School of Photography since 1993. He has taught workshops, classes, seminars, as well as held the positions of Consultant, Director of Education, Director of the Black and White Program and Director of Digital Imaging. Tim currently teaches various workshops, classes and seminars for the school in addition to writing and consulting on both photographic and digital technologies.
Topic: Creating Realistic HDR Images
How many times have you taken a photograph where parts of the photo were nicely exposed but maybe the sky was blown out or maybe there was no detail in the shadows giving us a very dull or maybe a not so pretty photo. This is not about creating the cartoonish or unrealistic photographs that we so often see with unrealistic colors. This presentation is about how to capture the full dynamic contrast of the scene and creating a realistic HDR image. Creating a realistic HDR image with multiple exposures depends on your ability to analyze a scene and translate your impressions into a photograph. Tim will show us a simple process that we can all do to give us the tools to create great realistic photographs when needed. He will talk about bracketing, ISO, using the tripod for perfect alignment and then showing us how to prepare and process your images in Lightroom, Photoshop and Photomatix.
Shooting Topic: Birds
Refreshments: Lanny Steckel
July 25, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Jerry Jelineks
Jerry is a life long resident of Northeast Ohio. Over the years, he has focused on nature and macro photography centered in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. He has won numerous awards in local photography competitions and his work has been used extensively by the national park system in publications and presentations to the public. Jerry is a regular at TWCNPC as he presented here in 2012 giving a presentation on macro photography and again last year when he gave a presentation on "How to Critique".
Topic: How to Take and Produce Nature Videos
Jerry will be showing us several of his outstanding nature videos that he has created over the past couple of years. He also will be explaining his philosophy of still image making verses making videos. Other topics will include the different gear needed for video field techniques, some post processing ideas, and of course sharing his tips on how he captures and produces his beautiful multimedia nature videos.
Shooting Topic: Realistic HDR Landscape
Refreshments: Marla Neiss
August 22, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Eileen Rafferty
Eileen Rafferty is an artist who combines her lifelong study of photography with digital technology to create mixed media and video installations. Eileen worked as a freelance photographer, educator and digital technician in the Washington, D.C. area. She was also a custom darkroom printer for clients including National Geographic, The Kennedy Center and a previous White House administration. She received her MFA in photography and film from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Eileen currently teaches classes at Rocky Mountain School of Photography.
Topic: Seeing In Black and White
We will be viewing a workshop she presented titled "Seeing In Black and White". It is very informative and will help us think differently about how we see. We will then have a time to discuss the video.
Other Business: Nominating Committee will be appointed
Shooting Topic: Summer Wildflowers
Refreshments: Larry Hackett
Sept. 26, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Program: TWCNPC Calendar
Topic: Calendar Photographs: We will be choosing the top 6 photos for each season.
Please follow these guidelines when preparing your entries.
1) Each member may submit up to 6 photos for each season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
You may have some photos that will fit more than one category.
2) These must be in a landscape layout.
3) The photos can be in a 6x4 or a 4x5 format.
4) The image file (jpg) must be large enough to print an 8x10 or equivalent size photo and should be at least 240 dpi.
I would think the file size should be at least 2 or 3 megabytes (MB).
If you see the size of the file is measured as kilobytes (ex: 800 kbs),
it is probably too small to print a quality calendar size photo.
5) Please place your entries in 4 folders labeled Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Place these four folders into another folder titled: “Your Name”/Calendar
Place this folder onto a flash drive.
Note: I hope to have the TWCNPC Calendar available by the November meeting,
therefore we will be taking orders at this meeting.
The price of the TWCNPC Calendar is $15.00.
Also on the agenda: Nomination of Officers
Shooting Topic: Black and White
Refreshments: Wendy Schumacher
October 24, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Presenter: Jane Heater
Jane, a former member of TWCNPC, is a graduate of the Rocky Mountain School of Photography and now runs her own photography business called Glory Reflections Photography. Her images have hung at the Ordover Gallery in the San Diego Natural History Museum, San Diego CA, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins CO, and The Joseph Saxton Gallery of Photography, Canton OH.
Ms. Heater's photos have received many awards including the following: Semifinalist in Nature’s Best Magazine’s Windland Smith Rice International Awards; Semifinalist in Nature’s Best Magazine’s Best Backyards. Her photographs have appeared in COLOR, and Black & White magazines, also in Rangefinder magazine (3rd place in Black & White contest).
Topic: Macro Photography
Jane's images are composed so that part of the landscape is isolated from the rest of the scene. These details and graphic qualities (color, shape, line, texture) show the often hidden beauty in nature that capture her attention. These images are created by using various shutter speeds, aperture settings, in camera techniques, i.e., panning, and narrow depth of field, and numerous lens, from super-macro to telephoto. Ms. Heater will be showing her photographs and will be giving instructions and sharing her tips on how she captures these inspiring photographs.
Election of Officers
Shooting Topic: Macro
Nov. 21, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Coordinator: Richard Patrick
Topic: Stretch Yourself Assignments
Remember those Shooting Topics you picked in February? Now is the time for each member to present his/her best photographs. Did you grow in your photo skills?
Shooting Topic: Fall Color
Refreshments: Lora Davis
December 19, 2015
9:30 a.m.
Holiday Party will be held at the Amish Door Restaurant in Wilmot on Saturday, December 19.
When you arrive just tell the hostess that you want to be seated with the TWC Nature Photo Club.
Time: You may want to arrive between 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. to get seated and order your breakfast. We will begin our program at approximately 10:15 a.m.
Breakfast: You may order from the Amish Door Menu or you may order the breakfast buffet.
Program: All Member Show
Note: Members are encouraged to bring in photos that have won contest or awards, vacation photos, field trip photos, etc. Please limit you presentation to approximately 5 to 8 minutes. Have your presentation/photos in a folder titled with your name and stored on a flash drive. Please present those to me when you come so they can be downloaded to the club computer.
Shooting Topic: No shooting topic
Note: Feel free to bring along your spouse, family members or a friend.
I would really like to get an idea of how many we will have in attendance, therefore I would appreciate a return email to <[email protected]> with your name and how many will be in your party. If you think you might be there, let me know. If you can’t come at the last minute or if you can come at the last minute, PLEASE come without hesitation. I’m just trying to get an idea of attendees so I can let the restaurant know.
Annual Nature Photo Club Membership:
Your Nature Photo Club Membership runs from January through December. We are beginning to collect the 2016 dues. The dues are $5.00 for individual membership and $7.00 for a family membership. If paying by check, please make them out to TWC Nature Photo Club. Just a reminder, your membership with the Wilderness Center must also be up to date.
2016 Nature Photo Club Calendars:
The TWC Nature Photo Club Calendars have arrived and will be distributed to those members who have pre-ordered. The cost is $15.00 each.