Digital Image Preparation for NPC Presentations
Digital Image Preparation for NPC Presentations
Please set the following file Settings.
Image Format: JPEG
Color Space: sRGB
JPEG Quality: 100%
Resolution: 96 pixels per inch
Imaging Sizing: Long Edge = 1024
Sharpen for: Screen
Save as: Image file names should begin with your last name (or first name or initials--anything unique to you, but keep it the same for all the ones you’re showing that day), then be followed by a 2-digit number indicating the sequence the images will be shown in.
For example:
Patrick01.jpg (would be my first picture shown)
Patrick02.jpg (second)...
Please bring your images to the meeting that morning, preferably on a flash drive. If you must bring a CD, you may want to bring one to a prior meeting to see if it can be read. Only images for the meeting presentation should be included on the storage media. We cannot accept a CD which requires that an executable file be downloaded to complete the transfer of your files.
Note: You should be able to do this on any reputable photo editing program. This would include: Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Elements, Apple iPhoto, Apple Aperture, Corel Paintshop Pro, DxO Opics Pro, GIMP 2.8 (this is free!), Pixelmator, and other photo editing software programs.